Sunday, January 19, 2020

WindowsForms Dot Net Interview Questions

              Windows Forms Dot Net Interview Questions it consists of set of interview questions which grabs the All levels from Intial Level to High Level definately it covers the potential stuff to all my viewers.
              Windows Forms Dot Net Interview Questions all provides the list of all entitled elements which provides an integrity solutions to the all my aspirants.
                                  "I Wish You All The Best...!To Crack Your Desired Position..."

                         Windows Forms Dot Net Interview Questions(68)

1.What is the Base Class for inherit windows forms?

2.What is the use of IntializeComponent()?Is it Necessary?
A)Yes,it is necessary.It is used to Invoke our Windows Form.

3.Can we Invoke Button Click Event Code without clicking on button?
A)Yes it can be possible with delegates

4. What’s the difference between WindowsDefaultLocation and WindowsDefaultBounds? A)WindowsDefaultLocation tells the form to start up at a location selected by OS, but with internally specified size. WindowsDefaultBounds delegates both size and starting position choices to the OS.

5.What is Windows Service?
A) Windows Service is an set of actions which automatically call by operating system irrespective of the user intervention.
E.G:Displaying Time at PC’s

6.What is the template used for Windows Service creating?
A)Windows Service

7.What is the command to install Windows service
A)Installutil  ServiceName.exe
Installutil-u ServiceName.exe for uninstalling
We can type this commands in visual studio command prompt.

8.What is the Event Sequence of Button Control?
A)It should be in the following hierarchy:

9.What is the Container Class for WindowsForm?
A)Form is the Container Class for Windows Form

10.What is the use of Opacity Property?
A)Opacity Property is used to set the transparency of the control

11.What is the property used for displaying window always top?
A)AlwaysVisibleTop property is used to set true

12.What is the class used for displaying shapes of an window?
A)Using System.Drawing

13.How can we Close an Window through programmatically?

14.What is the difference between Show() and ShowDialog()?
A)Show() is an modeless and ShowDialog() is an model

15.What is the use of autosize property?
A)This property is used to set automatic size of an control accordingly.
E.G:if you consider a label it default contains some width if you give some text default width exceeds we manually increase the size instead of that if we set autosize property then it automatically adjusts the size.

16.Can we give Image for Button instead of an Text?
A)Yes by using “Image” property.

17.What is the difference between anchoring and docking?
A)Anchoring treats the component as having the absolute size and adjusts its location relative to the parent form. Docking treats the component location as absolute and disregards the component size. So if a status bar must always be at the bottom no matter what, use docking. If a button should be on the top right, but change its position with the form being resized, use anchoring.

18.What is the Difference between Move and Location Changed?Resize and SizeChanged?
A)Both methods do the same.They are language dependent names.

19.What is the default event of an TextBox?
A) Checked Changed Event

20.How can we restrict textbox without changing the data?
A)By setting “ReadMode” property to true.

21.What is the event used for restrict the test in TextBox?
A)KeyPress Event is used to restrict the test in TextBox

22.What is the Difference between TextBox and RichTextBox?
A)TextBox is used to accepts the data dynamically enter by the user.Defaultly it can accepts single line data .
Rich TextBox is used to accepts the data dynamically enter by the user.Defaultly it can accepts multi
 line data .

23.Can we create any control with out using tool box?
A)Yes by using the following implementation.
TextBox tb=new TextBox();

24.Can we execute multiple buttons in Single Button Click Event?
E.G:Button b1=(sender) as button;

25.How can we add multilines in TextBox?
A)By using Multiline property.

26.How can TextBox accepts password type text?

27.What is the use of Masked Text Box?
A)It is used to accepts formatted text as specified in the properties.

28.What is the default event for MaskedTextBox?
A)TextRejection event

29.List Some of the Component type of Controls?
A)Timer,ErrorProvider,BackGroundWorker,ImageList etc…

30.Where Component Controls are displayed at runtime?
A)Component Controls are displayed at Component Tray at bottom of the Form at runtime

31.How can you restrict the text in a textbox?
A)By using the length property in an textbox and it can be applicable for richtextbox.

32.Name some of the methods associated with the Rich Text Box?
A)For Copying of data RichTextBox1.Copy()
are some of the methods associated with rich text box.

33.What is the Use of Tool Tip?
A)Tool Tip provides the description for a particular control.It provides a glance of an control.

34.Define Windows Form?
A)Windows Forms provides GUI(Graphical User Interface) .It provides a properties,methods and events for the controls it contains.

35.What is an Event?
A)When an action is performed,this action is noticed by the computer application based on which the displayed.

36.When displaying fonts,what’s the difference between pixels,points and ems?
A)A pixel is the lowest-resolution point which dot the computer monitor supports.Its size depends on users settings and monitor size.A point is always 1/72 of an inch.An em is the number of pixels that it takes to display the letter M.

37.List Some of the Collection related Controls?
A)ListBox,ComboBox,ListView,TreeView etc…

38.What is the difference between ListBox and ComboBox?
A)In ListBox we have to choose one of the option from the List.
In ComboBox just like radio button we have to choose any one of the given option.

39.List some of the methods in Collection related Controls?
A)It contains the following
These are the different types of methods in collection related controls

40.What is the namespace using for MessageBox?

41.What is the difference between Add() and Insert() methods?
A)Add(object o):This method is used to add the item in to the container i.e either list or combobox etc..
Insert(int index,object o):This method is used to add the item in an desired position.

42.How can you Check all items in the CheckedListBox?
A)for(int i=0;i<checkedListBox.Items.Count;i++)

43.What is the difference between Listindex and Tab index?
A)Listindex:This property is used to check the index value of the items in the ListBox.
Tabindex:This property is used to set the flow of controls in the form when we press the tab button.

44.How many number of events does Timer Controls?
A)2 events,one is disposed,second one is tick event.

45.What is the default event for Timer Control?

46. Does a Timer control appear at run time?
A) Timer is a component; therefore, it does not appear at run time.

47.When Tick Event Fires or Raises?
A)Depends on Interval property usually in (1000 milliseconds) we also flexibility to change the value.

48.How Timer Control raises or Invokes?
A)By setting the property of Enabled=true.

49.Does  a Timer Control appear at runtime?
A)No timer cannot appear at runtime.It is an component

50.What is the Use of ProgressBar Control?
A) ProgressBar Control is used to display the progress status to the user.

51.What the important properties of ProgressBar Control?

52.What does DialogResult property of Button Control infer?
A) DialogResult property retrieves or sets a value that is returned to the parent form when the button is clicked.

53.Which method provides the functionality to display a dialog box at runtime?
A)ShowDialog() method is used to display the dialog box at runtime.

54.List some of the Dialog Results?
A)Color Dialog
Font Dialog
FolderBrowser Dialog
OpenFile Dialog
Print Dialog etc..

55. What does the OpenFile() method of the OpenFileDialog control do?
A) The OpenFile() method opens the file selected by the user with read-only permission. The file is specified by the FileName property.

56. What is the function of MinDate and MaxDate properties of the MonthCalender control?
A) The MinDate and MaxDate properties allow users to get and set the minimum and maximum allowable date.

57. What does the Checked property of the DateTimePicker control do?
A) The Checked property holds either true or false value. It holds true, when the Value property hold a valid date-time value and is updatable; otherwise, false.

58. What does the Checked property of the DateTimePicker control do?
A) The Checked property holds either true or false value. It holds true, when the Value property hold a valid date-time value and is updatable; otherwise, false.

59.How many ContextMenuStrip in a form have?
A)Many as per the requirement.

60.How many MainMenuStrip in a form contains?
A)Only one

61. What is the difference between a MenuStrip control and a ContextMenuStrip control?
A) The difference between a MenuStrip control and a ContextMenuStrip control is that a MenuStrip control is associated with the Windows Form.whereas, a ContextMenuStrip control is associated with a control, which is added to the Windows Form.

62. What is the use of a toolstrip container?
A) A toolstrip container is used to contain controls, such as ToolStrip, MenuStrip, and StatusStrip, so that these controls can be docked and moved at the run time.

63. How can you display an icon at runtime on the StatusStrip control?
A) The following code snippet shows the code to display an icon at runtime on the StatusStrip control:
toolStripStatusLabel2.Image = Bitmap.FromFile("D:\\Indiabix\\Images\\1.bmp");

64. Consider a situation where you have added panels in a StatusBar control; however, they are not displayed at run time. What could be the reason for this?
A) To display panels in the StatusBar control, the ShowPanels property needs to be set to true.

65. What is the difference between the Panel and GroupBox control?
A) The Panel and GroupBox controls both can be used as a container for other controls, such as radio buttons and check box. The main differences between a Panel and a GroupBox control are as follows:
Panel does not display captions, while GroupBox do
Panel has scrollbar, while GroupBox does not

66. What is the use of the Panel control? Does it display at runtime?
A) Panels acts as a container to group other controls. It is an important control, when you want to show/hide a group of controls and relocate a number of controls simultaneously.

67.Which control cannot be placed in MDI?
A)The controls that do not have events.
Another MDI Container.

68.What is the Use of MDI?
A)It is used for maintaining multiple number of forms.
When you generate a new control at runtime, it works as a container control. As we know, it is a container control; therefore, it is not displayed at runtime.


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