Friday, May 23, 2014

Delegate of C#.Net Interview Questions(10)

Delegate of C#.Net Interview Questions(10)

1.Define Delegate?
A) A delegate is a type that defines a method signature. When you instantiate a delegate, you can associate its instance with any method with a compatible signature. You can invoke (or call) the method through the delegate instance.

2.Is delegate is a member of a class?
A)It’s not a member of a class but similar to a class.

3.List the properties of an delegate?
A)Delegates have the following properties:
                         Ø  Delegates are like C++ function pointers but are type safe.
                         Ø  Delegates allow methods to be passed as parameters.
                         Ø  Delegates can be used to define callback methods.
                         Ø  Delegates can be chained together; for example, multiple methods can be called on a single event.
                         Ø  Methods do not have to match the delegate signature exactly
                         Ø  C# version 2.0 introduced the concept of Anonymous Methods, which allow code blocks to be passed as parameters in place of a separately defined method. C# 3.0 introduced lambda expressions as a more concise way of writing inline code blocks.

4.How many types of delegates are there?
A)There are two types of delegates.They are:
                Ø  Single cast delegate
                Ø  Multi cast delegate

5.Define Single cast delegate?
A)A delegate that represents only a single function is known as Single Cast Delegate.

6.Define Multi cast delegate?
A)A delegate that represents only a more than one functions is known as Multi Cast Delegate.

7.Is Delegate supports generics?
A)Delegate will support generics.

8.Delegate belongs which type?
A)Delegate is a type that references a method.

9.How to declare a delegate?
A)To implement a delegate is a four step process declare,create,point and invoke.

10.What is the use of delegates?
A)There are 6 important uses of delegates.They are:
        Ø  Abstract and encapsulate a method (Anonymous invocation):This is the most important use of delegates; it helps us to define an abstract pointer which can point to methods and functions. The same abstract delegate can be later used to point to that type of functions and methods. In the previous section we have shown a simple example of a maths class. Later addition of new algorithm functions does not affect the UI code.

        Ø  Callback mechanism:Many times we would like to provide a call back mechanism. Delegates can be passed to the destination and destination can use the same delegate pointer to make callbacks.

        Ø  Asynchronous processing:By using ‘BeginInvoke’ and ‘EndInvoke’ we can call delegates asynchronously. In our previous section we have explained the same in detail.

        Ø  Multicasting: Sequential processing Some time we would like to call some methods in a sequential manner which can be done by using multicast delegate. This is already explained in the multicast example shown above.

        Ø  Events:Publisher subscriber modelWe can use events to create a pure publisher / subscriber model.


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